Datatelligence Check


Datatelligence is a survey site that offers points and sweepstakes to complete surveys, they send out quite a few sweepstakes surveys more so than points surveys. I usually just do the point surveys they send me but decided to do one of the sweepstakes ones just for fun because I figured it would be relatively short since there was no real reward except for the entry in to a sweepstakes. To my surprise I qualified for a chocolate study that would pay me $15 just for completing the survey and talking about what chocolates I liked. The survey lasted about 35-45 minutes but it wasn't a tedious one like other surveys I have taken before and I can't beat getting $15 for it! I guess I will be doing the sweepstakes surveys as well and hopefully get to do other studies like this one and maybe even product tests.

If you want to become a member please visit my website here and instant message me through the Aim contact box and I will email you the invitation. If I'm not online just leave your name, email address and write "datatelligence" at the end.