Back From Vacation & With New Surveys!

I'm back from visiting family, and almost done moving all my stuff into the new place, now I just have to unpack and organize....... sounds like fun huh? I'm not relaly looking foward to it but it must be done eventually. Anyhow I thought I would just post a couple sweepstake surveys for you guys, they are like 5 minute surveys - very short. There will be 10 $25 prizes randomly chosen amongthose who participate in this survey - this pertains to both surveys.

The following survey is for moms.

The deadline for response is Tuesday, August 5th.

Here is a link to the survey:


The second survey is for moms with young children.

The deadline for response is Monday, August 4th.

Here is a link to the survey:

If you are not a mom but know of a couple who might be interested in participating in either of these surveys foward the links to them or just direct them to my blog which ever you prefer.

•♥•Good Luck•♥•