Qualified for a $30 Product Test!


Just a heads up for women that are a member of Esearch, they recently sent out a survey invitation for a $30 product test if you qualify! This is one of the reasons I love Esearch, they may not send out tons of surveys or product tests but when they do they are usually worth a lot. Here is part of what the email stated about the product test:

This first survey is the qualifying survey. If you qualify, you will be asked to try TWO products at home (which will be mailed to you). Once you use the products you will complete a second and third follow up survey online. And once these three steps are complete (qualifying, product testing, follow up surveys) you will receive $30.00 (which will be paid to this email address via Paypal.com by October 20).

So ladies go check your email and see if you were send the invite, but you better hurry since there will only be approximately 350 women participating in this study! Oh and also they will be paying you via PayPal so you won't have to wait a month for a check to get to your mail box. Remember when you test two products it will usually take twice as long as testing one product, but compensation usually doubles as well. Good Luck to whoever gets invited and hopefully you qualify!