Datatelligence Special Research Study


Datatelligence sent out an email yesterday inviting members to participate in a special research study. So if you haven't checked your email yet you should do so in case you were selected to participate in this study. They are paying $5.00 via gift card. Here is what the email stated:

Hello !

You have been selected to participate in a special research study!

We are looking for PC users to voice their opinion in an important online study which will involve installing and running a small application.

The application will scan your computer for Hardware Specifications. Information gathered will NOT be personally identified and will remain anonymous. All data will be used for research purposes only.

Those who download, run the application, and complete this survey will be eligible for a $5.00 Gift Code which will be sent to your e-mail address.

The survey will EXPLICITLY state if you are eligible for the incentive or not. Please read the ending text carefully.

Incentives are not awarded until the study has ended in field and we have time to tally the completions.

This is a LENGTHY program, estimated to be over 45 minutes in length, and does not have to be completed all at once. Please take your time reading and answering each question carefully.