Opinion Outpost "Thank You Rewards"


Opinion Outpost now has a new reward system if you don't qualify for a survey, you can choose either a small donation to charity, an instant win game, or an entry into their sweepstakes. Here is a screen shot of what the rewards area looks like for those of you who haven't seen it:

I have chosen the instant win game every time hoping maybe I can win the $50 prize but it seems that every time I do I get the following message:

Survey Status
We’re sorry. You did not win the $50.00 cash prize.
Please try again on another survey to win!
Please look for more survey opportunities in the future.
I guess better luck next time! This kinda makes me want to do their surveys more, but then again its just a sweepstakes, instant win game or donation to charity. I think it would be more worth it to give it to charity, at least you know its going to be donated where as the sweeps and instant win games are a chance for you to win and no guarantee. It would be great if they did something like GlobalTestMarket and give a point or so even if you didn't qualify for the survey. Perhaps opinion Outpost is taking a step in that direction, at least I hope! What do you think of the new "Thank You Rewards"? Does this reward system make you more inclined to participate in surveys from Opinion Outpost or is your participation still unchanged?