PSB Survey - Energizer Batteries


While I was checking one of my other email addresses, the one mostly filled with spam, I came across a survey from energizer that was hosted by PSB (Penn, Schoen and Berland). I usually go through my other email accounts monthly and clear them out, well the spam infeste ones at least, lol. It was pretty surprising to see a survey waiting for me, I was even more surprised that the survey was still open considering it was from over a month ago. The survey was probably about 5-8 minutes long, and for a $1 reward I wasn't going to complain. They were paying either by PayPal or Check, I decided to just have them send me a check.... then maybe I would get my payment proof up faster. So here is what the invitation stated:

You are invited to take part in a special public opinion
. You will be asked to give your opinions on the
battery industry. There are no right or wrong answers for
this special survey.

This short survey should take no more than 10 minutes of
your time and we think you will find it fun and
interesting. Your opinions are important to us, so please
share them.

As a thank you for sharing your thoughts, you will earn $1
when you complete the survey.
Did anyone else get a survey from them? Or from other companies? I had to enter a password that was int he survey invitation, so I think only a select few may have gotten the chance to participate. I guess it pays off to sign up for news letters from different websites, not only do you get the latest news or savings you might get a paying survey to do as well.