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Do you love Orbit Gum as much as I do? Would you like to share your opinion about Orbit Gum and its packaging? You may also be given the opportunity to test Orbit Gum before it hits the stores and tell them what you like or dislike about it.

I joined earlier this week when I was invited during a survey I took through Opinion Outpost. I have already participated in polls and discussions about Orbit Gum . I was also invited to try out a new type of Orbit gum before it goes public, I just got the pack of gum today. Don't miss what's going on this week at Orbit Insiders:

This week it's all about 35's; 35 pieces of Orbit that is, in our new Big Pak. Login and take a quick Poll, and then head over to the Big Pak Premiere Activity and let us know what you think about the new Big Pak packaging and advertising. We want to hear all of your juicy feedback – don't be shy!

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